
Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 15 May 2024
Video: Constellations


A constellation It is a group of stars that, when drawing a line that joins them in an imaginary way, forms a figure in the sky. In this way figures of people, objects or animals are formed. This type of figures in the sky was useful for navigation in ancient times, since, through these constellations, ships could guide themselves and know where they were.

As we have said above the union between the points that form a certain constellation has been (and is) arbitrary. In other words, they do not respond to a specific astronomical question but rather to a human criterion and not to the stars that make up those constellations.

However, these constellations have been written down and have become part of the astronomical communication of ancient civilizations. Although the stars that make up the same constellation seem to be at a short distance, the truth is that they can be found millions of kilometers from each other.

First discoveries

The ancient peoples who have observed the sky and who began to make the first annotations on the constellations, were the civilizations of Middle East and those of Mediterranean. However, and as already mentioned, since they were arbitrary in nature, many of them could correspond to constellations of a given civilization while another civilization might not recognize it as such.

Constellation observations

Constellations can be observed directly by looking at the night sky. However, for a better observation it is necessary to make an observation from the night sky in the field, since in the city, as a result of the lights and environmental pollution, the luminosity of the night sky dims, avoiding seeing all the available stars in the sky.

It is also useful to obtain, previously, a map of the night sky, to locate the constellations in it. It is customary to divide the constellations into two large groups. Both are divided by their location in the sky in relation to the equator:

  • Northern constellations. They are located north of the Equator line.
  • Southern constellations. They are located south of the equatorial line

The navegation

These creations have been very useful, particularly for night navigation in ancient times where the lack of technology greatly limited the orientation of sailors (with the exception of the use of a compass).

In this way the navigators could (by observing the stars and these constellations) know where they should go based on knowing the destination point and the route they had to follow in order not to deviate.

Examples of constellations

  • Chinese constellations. Examples of these are:
Chinese nameName in Spanish
1JiaoThe two horns
2KangThe neck
The Dragon
3GaveThe Root or
The foundation
4FangThe Square or
5The room
6XinThe heart
The Great Fire
7WeiThe Dragon's Tail
8HeeThe sieve or
The strainer
9DouThe Ladle
The Bizco
10NiuThe ox
11WildebeestThe woman
12XuThe vacuum
The chaos
13WeiThe precipice
15BiWestern wall
16KuiThe horseman
The Stride
17LouThe mound
18WeiThe belly
20BiThe Steak or Red
23JingThe goodness
The hole
25LiuThe Willow Branch
26XingThe bird
27ZhangThe Bow
28YiThe wings
29ZhenThe carriage
  • Hindu constellations. Examples of these are:
  1. Ketu (lunar south node)
  2. Shukra (Venus)
  3. Ravi or Suria (Sun)
  4. Chandra (Moon)
  5. Mangala (Mars)
  6. Rahu (lunar north node)
  7. Guru or Bríjaspati (Jupiter)
  8. Shani (Saturn)
  9. Budha (Mercury)

  • Pre-Columbian constellations. Examples of these are:
  1. Citlaltianquiztli (The Market)
  2. Citlalxonecuilli ("Crooked foot")
  3. Citlalcólotl or Colotlixáyac (El Alacrán)
  4. Citlallachtli (The court of the ball game “tlachtli”)
  5. Citlalmamalhuaztli (Los Palos Saca-fuego)
  6. Citlalocélotl (The Jaguar)
  7. Citlalozomatli (The Monkey)
  8. Citlalcóatl (The Serpent)

  • Zodiacal constellations. Examples of these are:
  1. Aries
  2. Taurus
  3. Gemini
  4. Cancer
  5. Leo
  6. Virgo
  7. Libra
  8. Scorpio
  9. Sagittarius
  10. Capricorn
  11. Aquarium
  12. Pisces

  • Ptolemy constellations. Examples of these are:
  1. Aquarius constellation
  2. Andromeda constellation
  3. Aquila constellation
  4. Ara constellation
  5. Constellation Aries
  6. Constellation Auriga
  7. Bootes constellation
  8. Cancer constellation
  9. Canis Maior constellation
  10. Constellation Canis Minor
  11. Capricorn constellation
  12. Cassiopeia constellation
  13. Constellation Cepheus
  14. Centaurus constellation
  15. Constellation Cetus
  16. Constellation Corona Australis
  17. Constellation Corona Borealis
  18. Corvus constellation
  19. Crater constellation
  20. Crux constellation
  21. Cygnus constellation
  22. Delphinus constellation
  23. Draco constellation
  24. Equuleus constellation
  25. Eridanus constellation
  26. Constellation gemini
  27. Hercules constellation
  28. Constellation hydra
  29. Leo constellation
  30. Lepus constellation
  31. Libra constellation
  32. Lupus constellation
  33. Lyra constellation
  34. Ophiuchus constellation
  35. Orion constellation
  36. Constellation Ursa Major
  37. Constellation Ursa Minor
  38. Pegasus constellation
  39. Perseus constellation
  40. Constellation pisces
  41. Constellation Piscis Austrinus
  42. Sagittarius constellation
  43. Sagitta constellation
  44. Scorpius constellation
  45. Serpens constellation
  46. Taurus constellation
  47. Triangulum constellation
  48. Virgo constellation

  • Modern constellations. Examples of these are:
  1. Apus, the bird of Paradise
  2. Camelopardalis, the giraffe
  3. Chamaeleon, the chameleon
  4. Crux, the cross
  5. Dorado, the fish
  6. Grus, the crane. He was known as Phoenicopterus, which means "flamenco". This name was given in England during the seventeenth century
  7. Hydrus, the male hydra
  8. Indus, the American Indian
  9. Jordanus, the Jordan River
  10. Monoceros, the unicorn
  11. Musca, the fly
  12. Peacock
  13. Phoenix, the phoenix
  14. Tigris, the Tigris River
  15. Triangulum Australe, the southern triangle
  16. Tucana, the toucan
  17. Volans, the flying fish

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