Words with ta-, te-, ti, to-, tu-

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 9 May 2024
Blending Consonant and vowel sounds | ta te ti to tu | ENGLISH PHONICS| Kindergarten Lesson
Video: Blending Consonant and vowel sounds | ta te ti to tu | ENGLISH PHONICS| Kindergarten Lesson


The letter T is a strong sounding consonant. In combination with the different vowels, it is usually present in many Spanish words. For example: taI bark teathe, youmbre, tosea, Yournez.

Words that start with ta-, te-, ti-, to-, tu-

tam littleyouendatobe
teait gaveyoujerayoumor

Words that start with ta-


Words that start with te


Words that start with ti


Words that start with to-


Words that start with tu-


Words containing ta-, te-, ti-, to-, tu-

  1. I agree: A - cep - to
  2. Yesteryear: An - ta - ño
  3. Antarctica: An - taryou - gives
  4. Antenna: An - tea - na
  5. Eyeglass: An - teo - ho
  6. Before: An - tes
  7. Whim: An - to - ho
  8. Earring: A - re - tea
  9. Atheist: TO - tea - or
  10. Attire: TO - you in - do
  11. Cheap: Ba - ra - to
  12. Bar: Ba - rro - te
  13. Enough: Bas - ta
  14. Beast: Bes - aunt
  15. Moustache: Bi - go - tea
  16. Yawning: Bos - tea - za
  17. Boot: Bo - ta
  18. Boat: Bo - tea
  19. Bust: Bus - to
  20. Mask: Ca - rre - ta
  21. Paperboard: Car - ton
  22. Headband: Cin - ta
  23. Rocket: Co - he - tea
  24. He counted: With - to
  25. Tie: Em - pa - tar
  26. Entity: In - tea
  27. Bury: In - tea - rrar
  28. Burial: In - tie - rro
  29. Tube: In - you - ba
  30. Wrong: In - tue - to
  31. State: It is - ta - do
  32. East: It is - tea
  33. Steppe: It is - tea - pa
  34. Stimulus: It is - you - mu - lo
  35. Stretches: It is - you - ra
  36. Stomach: It is - to - magician
  37. Study: It is - you - it gave
  38. Stove: It is - you - fa
  39. Stupor: It is - you - by
  40. He was: It is - you - vo
  41. Weariness: Have you - you - or
  42. I intuit: In - you - I
  43. Put: I - tea
  44. Motorcycle: Mo - to
  45. Dentist: O - don - to - logo
  46. Paw: Paw
  47. Patent: Pa - have - you
  48. Duck: Pa - to
  49. Market Stall: Well - to
  50. Respect: Res - pe - to 

Sentences with words containing ta-, te-, ti-, to-, tu-

  1. I brought a cake from chocolate.
  2. No I haveweather now we see it tomorrow early.
  3. I like table mouse what havelegs from metal.
  4. ¿Until when tea you'll behave as if you were a child?
  5. The matchfinishedtied.
  6. When there is trash for throw The trash?
  7. Put the top to bottle, so the gas does not go to the drink.
  8. I love it the pants What are you wearing Market Stall, in which store the you bought?
  9. My brother know shaved the moustache why tomorrow have a interview of work.
  10. What cities in Turkey You recommend me to visit?
  11. My boss I agree me draft, am very happy.
  12. ¿You have a pencil that you can lend me?
  13. No I get it nothing of arithmetic, by luck me uncle offered to explain before of the exam.
  14. Yes have some inconvenient, feel free to tell me so we can assist him.
  15. These earrings match the dress turquoise that me you gave away.
  16. In the zoo there was toucans from everybody colors.
  17. No teagoals in matters not teacompete.
  18. I bought some boots because in San Petersburg it will be very cold.
  19. The remains organic the we bury at the bottom of playground.
  20. Make so much cold it seems tundra; I'll go turn on the stove.
  21. I need one tunica white for my costume.
  22. If the storm go on, tomorrow we can't go from camp.
  23. Already have you studied for the examination of Theology?
  24. Tomorrow i i will liftearly to go out to jogging.
  25. My movie favorite it is The beauty and the Beast.
  26. You have what to read Cold-bloodedby Truman Cloak; it is Excellent.
  27. I prepared a sauce of tomato to accompany the pasta.
  28. ¿How muchcost East sweater?
  29. The paperboard is a useful material for the Arts.
  30. I made a puppet For the class of art.
  31. I will put some shelves In Myself fourth.
  32. Yes you have I can cook hungry cookies.
  33. My fruitsfavorites are the Strawberry and the banana.
  34. ¿You have a scissors by hand?
  35. In school I will learn to play the drum.
  36. ¿How many years you have?
  37. Suit Forks to eat the cake.
  38. Them i will count a storybefore that they go to sleep.
  39. In which sizes comes this garment?
  40. The library is at return of the Faculty from History.

Follow with:

  • Words with pra-, pre-, pri-, pro-, pru-
  • Words with bla-, ble-, bli-, blo-, blu-
  • Words with bra-, bre-, bri-, bro-, bru-
  • Words with pla-, ple-, pli-, plo-, plu-
  • Words with cla-, cle-, cli-, clo-, clu-
  • Words with ha-, he-, hee-, ho-, ju-

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